About Us

Natural Healthy CBD is an all-natural product that is amazing for your health. Here at Natural, we pride ourselves on providing the highest-quality CBD products available. Because CBD saved the life of our owner and founder, she has dedicated that life to making sure the public has access to the purest forms of that same natural adaptogen that can help with anything from eczema to seizures. Our company is made up of members who feel more like family than business partners, and it is our mission to provide you an honest product with the best customer service we can, not only because many of our customers are friends, family, and other loved ones, but because our number one priority really is the health of our customers, not the bottom cash line.
Usually the prices for high quality CBD such as the products we offer range from reasonable to outrageously expensive. We use our strong buying power to achieve the best pricing, without compromising the integrity and quality of the products we offer. As well as partnering with big names in the CBD world to be able to provide you the highest quality at the lowest prices possible.
As the medical advisor for her district, our CEO Kimber is always on the forefront of medical news. As a former pharma rep she stood strong against the negative ways they capitalized on our suffering. She works to toe the line for the industry and provide the best assistance she can to both the industry, and the customers it affects.

Hemperpedic is our own Hemp and CBD product line. Hemperpedic is created with you in mind and we often do polls or ask the communities opinions and we take feedback VERY seriously.
Natural Healthy CBD wants to provide REAL RELIEF to those who need it. CBD is entirely legal in all 50 states and WE only use the PUREST, highest quality products from the most reputable companies. All of our CBD oil is backed by COAs and are completely THC free. Best part is, they work!
A company wanting to help the community means a lot to us. We like to help each other out. Please contact us if you sell CBD or are interested in wholesale selling ours, or if you'd like to join our team!

As a service dog handler and trainer in her free time, and as a representative of the Ada, our CEO is always surrounded by service animals. Her job as a medical advisor often consists of ensuring the rights of the disabled and their service animals in her jurisdiction.
We've tried to separate our CBD and service dog companies multiple times, but they always end up back together because at the end of the day wellness and disability go hand in hand. So instead of dividing our attention between two different locations we've combined them into one so you can get everything your service dog needs, you need, and your family needs and one location. With service dog headquarters you can guarantee the best price because you're purchasing from people who use the products. You're purchasing from people who know the struggle. You're purchasing from other handlers.
Not only do we stand for education, and the public becoming informed on service animals, but also the rapid scams running in the industry. Having a place to buy gear knowing that it's not going to go to a scam registry or in Esa doctor that doesn't exist is one of the best things we offer to those who know.
We can't register your dog. We aren't going to give you super service dog powers. There is no list. You cannot be qualified through us or anyone. But we will stand up for you and your rights well taking your service dog from in training to working.
The service dog community has a large reach within the pet Industries which allow us to partner with your favorite people to provide you with the best and highest quality property that you can find!
This all started with entry problems and selling Ada cards and now we have Partners all across the industry!
For more information on the Ada and service animals please visit our Ada section here.

Blunt media is a group of investigators, journalists, influencers, news representatives, medical professionals, cultivators, and more that investigate verify and release information to the industry quickly and in mass.
We're most noted for our NATURAL NEWS which you can view here.

Influence CBD is our marketing team. Our amazing team has gotten brands in stores such as Walmart, Target, Smoke shops and more. They make the news go around and they determine what's popular and what isn't, mostly full of brand and industry representitives.

Noticing the lack of security and professionalism in the disabled community, a group of Spoonies came together and formed a safe haven now known as The Extra Spoon.
We wanted to bring some form of security and comfort to service dogs and their handlers, including the disability community and Spoonies alike. Soon we were known as the helpful, safe and fair place for Spoonies. As a result we were coined The Extra Spoon, that one place to provide help for Spoonies by Spoonies. We soon became a storefront that allowed our vendors (whom are all disabled) to sell their handmade items, as well as working with some of the most trusted manufacturers in the industry to provide high quality products at affordable prices for our spoonie customers.
We as a company pride ourselves for our outstanding quality, amazing customer service and affordable high quality products to meet the wants and needs of the community.
Now our small group has grown into a company that stands up for the disability community all over the world. Our customers matter to us and without your support, we wouldn't be here. So we do our best to provide high quality products at an affordable price for those of whom so desperately can use just a little help, we're The Extra Spoon.
When you just need a little help on those hard days, we hope to provide you with The Extra Spoon.
We want to provide services and helpful programs to those who need it in the very near future. We represent change. We represent strength, unity, positivity and respect.
It's the dawning of a new era. We're not weak or lesser when we're together. That's what The Extra Spoon is about.