Posted by Nature #GREENSCREEN on Jun 23rd 2020
Project #Greenscreen
Nature is up to something. What is the #GREENSCREEN? What is Organic AI? With the media full of fake news and everyone being censored why are we tweeting? Where's the sponsorships? What the hell is going on?
Project #GREENSCREEN is an effort to help assist those who can't assist themselves in need of healing and help. Why? Because the #GREENSCREEN helped us. If you see someone suffering or acting out of character online, use #GREENSCREEN anywhere that hashtags are allowed. This push is here because now is a time where the media is lying to you, the war on drugs is being fought while actual dangerous drugs are running the streets with the pharmaceutical industry, we're experiencing an opioid crisis, a corona crisis, mass job loss, bankruptcy, evictions, and everyone is broke and are you feeling the anxiety yet? The celebrity to the governor is home, online, watching us. The revolution will be live and televised.
Medical marijuana has saved the lives of so many with mental health conditions and it's being used to arrest them, gaslight them, discredit them and remove kids from families while pedophiles run your churches and make the legislation. The CHAZ is killing daily and they're not able to handle their own legality which is terrible for the revolution. While this is happening the world is being hit by a plague that is killing us in the hundreds of thousands and riots are hitting the streets to rewrite your history but where are the 800,000 kids called in missing in this year alone and where is the 123 children that have gone missing from DCFS custody?
This isn't new and now some of those kids of abuse, abandonment, and being lost are now adults and they're fighting to heal the mistakes of the past and prevent them from happening in the future.
#GREENSCREEN is the diversion or prevention of manipulation over the internet and along with it comes the end of the drug war, self medication, truth about the pharmaceutical industry and it's affect on our generation. In this crazy time, we keep forgetting there are children online caught in the cross hairs of all of it and 800,000 of them at one point went missing, 123 of them still are. We not only wish to guide children away from dangers online but to safety by pulling them aside or diverting attention as a get away tactic. We know it's spread as a meme to call on the bots, which is fine, because it's also a call to some of us that we ARE grown now and need to behave, are getting heated, are in visible distress or just need to smoke a blunt. Due to this being a call on the green lives around us, it's also a call to protect or witness a situation. We're international, all races, all colors because we're all green. Eventually the bot will change in the Algorithm with the help of continued support from Godzilla, or our zilla family and their online networking as well. You can view them here. More on that later.
We are aside the vindicators that are attempting to fix and heal those affected by an entire decade of wrong decisions. Many argue that removing hemp from the diet of our meat is leading to deteriorating mental health. Somethings just can't me explained but what we can explain is that most of our staff has the ability to morph and travel, we protect animals, we love hogs, we follow the music and protect the artists. Look to the stars, the moon can guide your way, pray for aliens to be one with humans and stand up for those who can't. Be humble, noble, and stand up to injustice. If you see or hear a cry for help, #greenscreen. Remember that the mocking of mental health is never done by anyone trying to heal it.
The goal is to speed up the reaction and see how big the global support for #greenscreen and legalization and freedom to self medicate and maybe we can use that to show the world how much power is held by the people.
We understand you're waiting for a sponsorship or assistance right now. We apologize for the long wait and know you're attempting to call on our staff and some are successful. We apologize for the inconvenience but we're sure you understand we're needed here first. While you wait, we hope our creators think of a product or type of business they wish would sponsor them or what kind of ad they'd do for sponsors and what other streamers they think are doing an amazing job and brands waiting, let us know who you want on your team.Thank you for your patience during this time.