Stressed out, overworked, tired, and flat-out lost. Somehow I found myself questioning what it meant to be truly happy, and sure enough, I wasn't alone. After talking with my friend, it became evident that we were stuck in an endless loop of bad habits. We relied on common vices like alcohol, unhealthy processed food, caffeine, cigarettes and medications to help us deal with stress, anxiety, exhaustion, and unhappiness. So, at that moment, we knew that something had to be done.
In order to be truly happy, we had to understand what happiness meant. Working out, eating a clean diet, meditating, and giving back to others became a staple in our life and allowed us to experience the basis of being our true selves. Still, there was something missing. Instead of using various vices to manage stress and anxiety symptoms, we sought out natural alternatives.
Utilizing natural, plant based ingredients like CBD, Delta-8, Delta-9 and kava, we decided to provide high quality products for those looking for stress relief & increased happiness/overall well-being. Our products can help with anything from anxiety and insomnia to muscle pain and inflammation. However, making CBD, Delta-8 & Delta-9 beverage lines isn't always practical. Especially, if we wanted to focus on high quality ingredients that were non GMO. So, we dedicated every waking hour creating Stay Cool so that it can be enjoyed in a convenient, affordable way for everyone.
Now more than ever, people are challenged with anxiety, burdened with stress, and slowed by doubt. Too often we let physical, social, and emotional pressures strain our minds and bodies. This negatively impacts the way we think, feel, and act, thus preventing us from reaching our fullest potential. If left untreated, stress creates a long list of health issues and causes us to lose track of who we really are as a person. For the people who are looking for a helping hand, Stay Cool is providing natures answer to managing stress, anxiety, muscle tension/pain, reduced inflammation and improved sleep.
Our Goal
Stay Cool is poised to bring the benefits of hemp & kava to the masses. As a health and wellness company, we want to build a community through engagement, encouragement, and the use of a healthy, all natural relaxation supplement.
The Vision
To create a culture that offers resources and guidance on how to live a happier and healthier life.
Our Mission
To inspire positive change and provide healthy, all natural ways for people to improve their mind and body.