Which do you prefer? ... A grinder or your fingers?
This has become an age old debate that never seems to be answered with clarification. Now...there is an answer.
What started out as three friends with an idea to make grinding tobacco simpler, soon turned into a design that served a greater purpose than just ease of use. It wasn’t long before their future Sticky Fingrs team realized that this small innovation solved a pretty big problem for a lot more people than just ourselves. Their original issue was that grinders break down tobacco too finely. They solved this by creating the first finger tip grinder! This allows the user to have control over the coarseness of their grind. They also unknowingly solved a much larger issue. Traditional chamber grinders operate using a firm twisting motion requiring both hands. This causes a large amount of stress on the wrist joints and also assumes that the user has full use of both hands. As their grinder is comfortable, lightweight, and functions solely using one hand, it adds minimal stress to wrist joints, allowing those users who cannot operate bulky traditional grinders to have the opportunity for something different.
After friends, relatives, and soon to be fans, pushed them to share the Sticky Fingrs Grinder with a larger audience, they decided it was time to put more effort into developing their product to its fullest potential. Months of prototyping, testing, going back to the drawing board…and then testing again, they are proud to finally offer a product that can accomplish so much more than they originally hoped!