Posted by The Brothers Apothecary on Dec 11th 2018


CBD Bulletproof Coffee

Feeling tired, hungry and irritable? Reaching for your third (or fifth?) cup before lunchtime? Your regular morning cup of joe just isn’t cutting it. Consider trading it in for a cup of CBD-enhanced bulletproof coffee.

What Is Bulletproof Coffee?

Dave Asprey, an entrepreneur from Albuquerque, New Mexico, created the first Bulletproof Coffee. On a trip to Tibet, Dave discovered the transformative powers of yak butter tea. Inspired, Dave wanted to share his discovery with the world. Dave began experimenting with blending hot coffee with healthy saturated fats. His top picks were grass-fed butter or ghee and MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil. Dave found that this blend increased his energy and stabilized his blood sugar. The blend also improved his cognitive function and boosted his mental clarity.

How Does Bulletproof Coffee Work?

Bulletproof coffee combines the superpowers of antioxidant, phytonutrient and B vitamin-rich coffee beans with the superpowers of fatty-acid-rich grass fed butter and quick-absorbing high-energy, anti-inflammatory pure coconut MCT oil. The natural fatty acids in the grass-fed butter and pure coconut MCT oil unlock the antioxidants and vitamins in brewed coffee.

Why Add CBD?

In low doses, CBD has an energizing effect without the jitters of too much caffeine. In contrast, most people feel pleasantly alert and focused after taking CBD, and many people notice a slight elevation in overall mood. Our recipe calls for a tablespoon of Brothers Wild Rosin Honey, which is handcrafted using full-spectrum Hemp Rosin and blended with sustainable, ethically harvested raw wildflower honey. One tablespoon contains about 20 mg. of CBD.

Health Benefits of Coffee

There are numerous health benefits to starting your day with a cup of coffee. Did you know that coffee can help with everything from easing post-workout pain to lowering your risk for Alzheimer’s and Type 2 Diabetes and protecting against heart disease? It’s true. A study published in the Journal of Pain found that drinking two cups of coffee cut post-workout muscle pain by up to 48%. A recent study also showed that the compounds in roasted coffee may be responsible for preventing the build-up of the brain plaque believed to cause Alzheimer’s. The Archives of Internal Medicine found that folks who consumed 6 or more cups of coffee per day had a 22% lower risk of diabetes. Additionally, Korean researchers discovered that study participants who consumed 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day were less likely to show the beginning signs of heart disease. Finally, coffee is also an excellent source of fiber. A cup of coffee contains about 1.8 grams of fiber – our bodies need about 20-38 grams of fiber daily.

Perhaps most importantly, coffee is a known mood-booster. It even helps us get along with our coworkers (even the Dwights of the office).

How To Make CBD Bulletproof Coffee:



  1. Add butter and oil to your coffee cup, and pour your hot coffee over the top.
  2. Blend thoroughly with a stick blender or whisk, until the butter and coconut oil are completely incorporated.
  3. Stir in 1 tbsp Brother’s Apothecary Wild Rosin Honey. Enjoy!

Brothers Bulletproof Coffee Cheat:

Strapped for time? Mix a stick of Brothers Apothecary CBD Coconut Oil into your coffee or latte for a boost of CBD, healthy lipids and coconut flavor! These babies are individually packaged so you can enjoy on the go.

Don't forget to checkout all of The Brothers Apothecary high quality CBD Hemp products from Natural Healthy CBD!